677 civilsamhällesorganisationer kritiserar ASEAN:s beslut att bjuda in juntans försvarsminister till toppmöte.
Bjud inte in juntans försvarsminister till toppmöte
Gemensamt uttalande, Stockholm, 15 juni 2022
Den sydostasiatiska samarbetsorganisationen ASEAN har bjudit in militärjuntans försvarsminister att delta vid ett toppmöte. Det är djupt olämpligt att bjuda in en av juntans högsta företrädare som är ansvarig för de grova övergrepp som begås dagligen i Burma. ASEAN bör utesluta militärjuntans representant från mötet. Det skriver Svenska Burmakommittén tillsammans med 676 andra organisationer i ett öppet brev till ASEAN:s försvarsministrar.
Den 22 juni samlas försvarsministrarna från medlemsländerna i den sydostasiatiska samarbetsorganisationen för ett högnivåmöte i Phnom Pehn. Till mötet har juntans försvarsminister general Mya Tun Oo bjudits in att delta för att representera Burma. Han är en av de högst ansvariga för de folkrättsbrott och grova övergrepp som begås i Burma och han är dessutom upptagen på EU:s, USA:s, Storbritanniens, Nya Zeelands och flera andra länders sanktionslistor.
Att bjuda in en hög representant från juntan är problematiskt med tanke på den legitimitet det ger juntan. ASEAN har vid tidigare tillfällen undvikit att bjuda in Burmas junta på politisk nivå av just den anledningen. Men sedan Hun Sen och Kambodja tog över ordförandeposten har flera närmanden skett. Inte minst Hun Sens eget besök i Burma i januari 2022 då han själv träffade Min Aung Hlaing, som den förste utländske regeringschefen efter statskuppen.
När organisationen träffades för att diskutera nödhjälp till Burma den 6 maj var Ko Ko Hlaing inbjuden för att hålla öppningsanförande. Ko Ko Hlaing är juntans minister för internationellt samarbete och leder även juntans arbetsgrupp för humanitärt bistånd som överser de internationella nödhjälpsinsatserna i Burma. Det är särskilt uppseendeväckande att juntan bjöds in till ett möte om humanitär hjälp till Burma med tanke på att det är militärjuntan som bär ansvar för den humanitära katastrof som landet nu befinner sig i.
Att ASEAN fortsätter bjuda in juntans representanter till internationella toppmöten är djupt olämpligt eftersom det ger kuppmakarna en legitimitet de inte förtjänar. Tillfällena utnyttjas av juntan i propagandasyfte. Militären har inte tagit några steg för att visa att den vill implementera ASEAN:s så kallade 5-punktsplan för krisen i Burma.
Du hittar uttalandet i sin helhet nedan och som PDF här.
Uppdatering 21 juni 2022
Khmer Times rapporterar att Kambodjas regering avvisar uppmaningarna att inte bjuda in juntan.
Cambodia rejects calls to bar Myanmar junta minister from ASEAN meeting – Khmer Times
Open Letter to ASEAN Defence Ministers
H.E. General Tea Banh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence, Cambodia
His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulahibni Al-Marhum, Minister of Defense, Brunei Darussalam
H.E. Prabowo Subianto, Minister of Defence, Indoensia
H.E. General Chansamone Chanyalath, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence, Lao PDR
The Honerable Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein, Senior Minister of Defence, Malaysia
H.E. Delfin N. Lorenzana, Secretary of National Defense, Philippines
H.E. Dr. Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence, Singapore
H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Thailand
H.E. General Phan Van Giang, Minister of National Defence, Viet Nam
15 June 2022
Re: Myanmar junta participation in ADMM
Your Excellencies,
We, the undersigned 677 Myanmar, regional and international civil society organisations appeal to you not to extend an invitation to the Myanmar military junta’s Minister of Defence at the upcoming ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM).
The Myanmar military junta’s acts fully meet the definition of terror under international and national law, and is responsible for ongoing violations of international human rights and humanitarian law following the military’s illegal coup attempt. Since the military’s illegal coup attempt, almost 700,000 people have been forcibly displaced as the junta wages a terror campaign against the Myanmar people. In the face of mass public resistance, the junta has murdered more than 1,900 people, arbitrarily arrested over 14,000 more, committed widespread torture, indiscriminate airstrikes and shelling, burnt villages and looted public property.
In the upcoming 16th ADMM, scheduled for June 22, we understand that the Junta defense minister General Mya Tun Oo will be representing Myanmar. General Mya Tun Oo plays a leading role in the management of the military, which is responsible for committing ongoing atrocity crimes with total impunity. Mya Tun Oo’s direct responsibility for international law violations have been recognised by the USA, UK, EU, Canada and New Zealand, which sanctioned him. In its designation, the UK stated that Mya Tun Oo has “command responsibility for these violations and can therefore be held responsible for these actions.” Mya Tun Oo is also a member of the State Administration Council (SAC). The EU recognised that “as member of the SAC, General Mya Tun Oo has been directly involved in and responsible for decision making concerning state functions and is therefore responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law”. Mya Tun Oo should be held accountable for his role in the military’s attempted coup and the junta’s atrocity crimes, and not rewarded through participation in ADMM.
We welcome ASEAN’s exclusion of Senior General Min Aung Hlaing from the 2021 ASEAN Summit, and the exclusion of the junta foreign minister Wunna Maung Lwin from the 2022 Foreign Ministers’ Retreat. However, we note with concern that ADMM has invited the junta to participate in meetings, including at the ministerial level since its illegal coup attempt, which is inconsistent with decisions made by ASEAN to not invite General Min Aung Hlaing and Wunna Maung Lwin. ADMM’s engagement with the junta, which has included military exercises, may likely amount to the aiding and abetting of the junta’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.
It is imperative that ASEAN does not award legitimacy to the Myanmar military junta, upholds its own charter and respects international human rights and humanitarian law by excluding the junta from ADMM. In allowing the junta to participate in ADMM, ASEAN is further risking complicity in the junta’s atrocity crimes by providing support and legitimacy to the military and emboldening a military that is waging a nationwide campaign of terror.
We appeal to you as ASEAN defence ministers to disinvite Mya Tun Oo from the 16th ADMM and all future meetings. Engage with the National Unity Government as the legitimate government of Myanmar, and work to resolve the crisis in Myanmar.
For any further inquiries, please contact:
Khin Ohmar, Progressive Voice, info@progressive-voice.org
Debbie Stothard, ALTSEAN-Burma, debbie@altsean.org
Salai Za Uk Ling, Chin Human Rights Organization, zauk@chinhumanrights.org
List of Signatories
List of signatories below include the following 299 Myanmar, regional and international organisations and 378 Myanmar civil society organisations that have chosen not to disclose their names.
Signed by:
- “Do” farmer Organization
- 8888 Generation (New Zealand)
- 8888 New Generation (Mohnyin)
- Action Against Myanmar Military Coup (Sydney)
- Action Committee for Democracy Development
- Active Youths (Kalaymyo)
- Ah Nah podcast- Conversation with Myanmar
- Ah. La. Ka (12) Hta Khwe, Primary Education Student Union
- All Arakan Students and Youths’ Congress
- All Burma Democratic Face in New Zealand
- All Burma Student Democratic Front – Australia Branch
- All Religions Strike Column
- All Young Burmese League (AYBL)
- Alliance for Free Burma Solidarity
- Alternative Solutions for Rural Communities (ASORCOM)
- Anti Dictatorship in Burma DC Metropolitan Area
- Anti-Myanmar Dictatorship Movement
- Anti-Myanmar Military Dictatorship Network (AMMDN)
- Arakan CSO Network
- Arakan Humanitarian Coordination Team- AHCT
- ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR)
- Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR)
- Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition
- Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD) Philippines
- Asian Cultural Forum on Development Foundation (ACFOD) Thailand
- Asian Dignity Initiative
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Association for Advancement of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Vietnam (AAFORB-VN)
- Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
- Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
- Auckland Kachin Community NZ
- Auckland Zomi Community
- Aung Myay Thar Zan Education Schools Strike Column
- Aung Pin Lae Main Strike Column
- Australia Burma Friendship Association, Northern Territory
- Australia Karen Organization WA Inc.
- Australia Myanmar Doctors, Nurses and Friends
- Australia Myanmar Youth Alliance (AMYA)
- Australian Burmese Muslim Organisation
- Australian Chin Community (Eastern Melbourne Inc)
- Australian Karen Organisation (AKO)
- Australian Karen Organisation Inc
- Back Pack Health Workers Team
- Bamar Community Tasmania
- BCC (စစ်ကိုင်း)
- Blood Money Campaign
- Buddhist Solidarity Association
- Burma Action Ireland
- Burma Campaign UK
- Burma Human Rights Network
- Burma Lawyers’ Council (BLC)
- Burma Medical Association
- Burma Soumalaiset (Finland)
- Burmese Community – South Australia
- Burmese Community Development Collaboration (BCDC)
- Burmese Community Group (Manawatu, NZ)
- Burmese Community Support Group (BCSG)
- Burmese Friendship Association
- Burmese Medical Association Australia (BMAA)
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
- Burmese Rohingya Welfare Organisation New Zealand
- Burmese Women’s Union
- Cambodian Americans and Friends for Democracy and Human Rights Advocate
- Campaign for a New Myanmar
- Canberra Karen Association
- CDM Support Team Mandalay (CSTM)
- Chan Mya Thar Si Township People Strike Column
- Chin Community – South Australia
- Chin Community of Auckland
- Chin Community of Western Australia Inc.
- Chin Community Tasmania
- Chin Human Rights Organization
- Chin MATA Working Group
- Chin Resources Center
- Chin Youth Organization (Matupi)
- Citizen of Burma Award – New Zealand
- CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
- Committee Representing Mandalay Region Hluttaw
- Cooperative University Student Strike Column
- CRPH & NUG Supporters Ireland
- CRPH Funding Ireland
- CRPH Support Group, Norway
- CRPH, NUG Support Team Germany – Deutschland
- CRPH/NUG support group Australia
- Dawei Development Association
- Dawei Probono Lawyer Network
- Democracy for Myanmar – Working Group (NZ)
- Democracy, Peace and Women’s Organization
- Democratic Youth Council
- Doh Atu – Ensemble pour le Myanmar
- Dragon Dawn
- Education and health care for Myanmar-Thailand Association
- Education Family (Anti – Fascists Education Strike Columns Coordination Committee)
- Educational Initiatives Myanmar
- Equality Myanmar
- Ethnic Youth General Strike Committee
- Falam Community – South Australia
- Federal Myanmar Benevolence Group (NZ)
- Foundation of Khmer Samaki
- Free Burma Campaign (South Africa)
- Free Expression Myanmar (FEM)
- Free Rohingya Coalition
- Future Light Center
- Future Thanlwin
- General Strike Committee of Nationalities – GSCN
- Generation Wave
- Generations (မျိုးဆက်)
- GenY For Revolution Japan
- German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy e.V.
- Global Myanmar Spring Revolution
- Global Myanmar Spring Revolution – Japan
- Global Myanmar Spring Revolution – Korea
- Golden Heart Organization
- Grass-root People
- Human Rights Educators’ Network
- Human Rights Foundation of Monland
- In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement (iDEFEND) Philippines
- India For Myanmar
- Industrial Training Centre (ITC) Family Sydney
- Info Birmanie
- Initiatives for International Dialogue
- Institute for Asian Democracy
- Inter Pares
- Interfaith Youth Coalition on Aids in Myanmar (IYCA-Myanmar)
- International Campaign for the Rohingya
- International Karen Organisation
- JASS Southeast Asia
- Joint Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (JACDB)
- Justice 4 Myanmar – Hope & Development
- Justice Movement for Community-Innlay
- Justice For Myanmar
- Kachin Association Australia
- Kachin Association of Australia WA Inc.
- Kachin Human Rights Watch
- Kachin State Women Network
- Kachin Women’s Association Thailand
- Kachin Women’s Union
- Kadu Youth Development Association (KYDA)
- Kalyarna Metta Association (Khin U)
- Kanbung Youth (Matupi)
- Kanpetlet Land Development Organization
- Karen Community – South Australia
- Karen Human Rights Group
- Karen Peace Support Network
- Karen Swedish Community (KSC)
- Karen Women’s Organization
- Karenni Community of Western Australia Inc.
- Karenni Federation of Australia
- Karenni Human Rights Group
- Karenni Society New Zealand
- Kayan Internally Displacement Supervising Committee (KIDSC)
- Kayan Women’s Organization
- Kayin Community Tasmania
- Keng Tung Youth
- Khanthar Farmers Network
- Khumzup Local Development Committee
- Kurawal Foundation
- Kyauktada Strike Committee
- LGBTIQ Strike of Mandalay
- Maha Aung Myay Township People Collective Strike Column
- Mandalar University Student Strike Column
- Mandalay Alliance Strike Collective Column
- Mandalay Based People Strike Column
- Mandalay Civil Society Organizations
- Mandalay Engineer Group
- Mandalay Engineer United Force
- Mandalay University Student Alumni Union
- Mandalay Wholesale Strike Column
- Mandalay Youth Association
- Mandalay Youth Strike Column
- MATA Sagaing Region
- Matu Chin Community – South Australia
- Matu Forum Committee
- Matu Women Association
- Medical Family – Mandalay
- Metta Campaign Mandalay
- MIIT Student Strike Column
- MilkTeaAlliance Calendar
- MilkTeaAlliance Galleries
- Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute Foundation, Inc. (MPI)
- Mindat Chin Community NSW
- Mindat Community – South Australia
- Mindat Emergency Response Team (MERT)
- Mizo Community – South Australia
- Mon Families Group
- Mon National Council (MNC)
- Mung Chying Rawt Jat (MRJ)
- Muslim Youth Network
- Muslim Youth Union
- Mya Taung Strike Column
- Myanmar Accountability Project
- Myanmar Action Group Denmark
- Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability
- Myanmar Buddhist Community of South Australia
- Myanmar Community Coffs Harbour (MCC)
- Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS)
- Myanmar Democracy and Peace Committee (Australia)
- Myanmar Democratic Movement (MDM)
- Myanmar Diaspora Group Finland
- Myanmar Engineering Association of Australia (MEAA)
- Myanmar Engineers – New Zealand
- Myanmar Gonye (New Zealand)
- Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
- Myanmar People from Ireland
- Myanmar People Residing in Canberra
- Myanmar Professionals Association Australia (MPAA)
- Myanmar Railway, Region (3) CDM Strike Column
- Myanmar Students’ Association Australia (MSAA)
- Myanmar Students’ Union in New Zealand
- Netherlands Myanmar Solidarity Platform
- Network for Advocacy Action
- Network for Human Rights Documentation Burma (ND-Burma)
- New Zealand Doctors for NUG
- New Zealand Karen Association
- New Zealand Zo Community Inc.
- NLD Solidarity Association (Australia)
- No 7 State High School Alumni Strike Column
- No Business With Genocide
- Northern Spectrum Youth Association
- NSW Karenni (Kayah) Communities
- OCTOPUS (Youth Organization)
- Open Development Foundation
- Overseas Mon Association, New Zealand
- Pan Pa Wash People Strike Column
- Patriotic War Vetrans of Burma (PWVB)
- Peace and Culture Foundation
- People’s Hope Spring Revolution
- Phayagye Peace Strike Column
- Private Pre-school Teachers Association
- Progressive Voice
- Pusat Komas
- Pyi Gyi Ta Gon Strike
- Pyithu Gonye (New Zealand)
- Queensland Kachin Community (QKC)
- Queensland Myanmar Youth Collective (QMYC
- Queensland Rohingya Community
- Rohingya Action Ireland
- Rvwang Community Association New Zealand
- Sangha Samaga Strike Column
- Save and Care Organization for Women at Border Areas
- Save Myanmar Fundraising Group (New Zealand)
- Sein Pan Strike Column
- Shan Community (New Zealand)
- Shan MATA
- Shan Women Development Network
- Shape-Sea
- Shwe Youth Democratic Alliance (SYDA)
- Shwechinthae Farmers Network
- Sisters 2 Sisters
- Sitt Nyein Pann Foundation
- Social Garden
- Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet)
- Southern Youth Development Organization
- Strike Column of Representatives of Arbitrarily Arrested People
- Strike Column of Teachers from Universities and Degree Colleges of Mandalay
- Students & Youth Congress of Burma (SYCB)
- Support for Myanmar
- Swedish Burma Committee
- Swedish Foundation for Human Rights
- Sydney Friends for Myanmar Unity
- Ta’ang Women’s Organization
- Taekwando Sport Association
- Tanintharyi MATA
- Tanintharyi Nationalities Congress
- Tanintharyi People’s Voice
- Tanintharyi Women’s Network
- Thai Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (TACDB)
- Thapaynyo News Letter
- The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS)
- The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar (IPEM)
- Together Thanlyin
- Twitter Team for Revolution
- U.S. Campaign for Burma
- Uakthon Local Social Development Organization
- United Myanmar Community of South Australia
- Victorian Burmese Care Community (VBCC)
- Victorian Myanmar Youth (VMY)
- Way Way Nay
- We Pledge CDM (Australia)
- Western Australia Myanmar Community (WAMC)
- Western Australia Myanmar Democratic Network (WAMDN)
- Winemaw Civil Society Network
- Winemaw Lisu Development Association
- Women Activists Myanmar (WAM)
- Women Advocacy Coalition-Myanmar
- Women’s League of Burma
- Women’s Peace Network
- Zo Community – South Australia
- Zomi Association Australia Inc.
- Zomi Community – South Australia
- Zomi Community Queensland
- ခုနစ်စင်ကြယ်အဖွဲ့
- ဒို့မြေကွန်ရက် (LIOH)
- ဒေါင်းစစ်သည်
- ပွင့်ဖြူလယ်ယာမြေကွန်ရက်
- ပဲခူး MATA