
Inom loppet av några veckor hösten 2017 flydde över 700 000 rohingyer över gränsen till Bangladesh för att undkomma den burmesiska militärens attacker. /Foto: Mamunur Rashid/Shutterstock
5 år sedan folkmordet på rohingyer - fortfarande ingen rättvisa
Kommentar, Stockholm, 25 augusti 2022
Det är nu fem år sedan den burmesiska militären inledde en massiv våldskampanj mot rohingyer i norra Rakhine. Det uppskattas att åtminstone 10 000 rohingyer dödades i angreppen som FN-utredare menar var riktade mot medlemmar av minoritetsgruppen och därmed kan utgöra folkmord. Trots att det nu gått fem år har ingen ansvarig ställts till svars. Omvärlden måste agera.
Enligt den utredningskommission (Fact-Finding Mission, FFM) som tillsattes av FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter var militärens våldskampanj i norra Rakhine, som inleddes den 25 augusti 2017, planerad i förväg. Dödliga attacker riktades mot civilbefolkningen i området.
Våldet var urskillningslöst. Utredare har belagt flera massakrer, gruppvåldtäkter, spädbarn som dödats inför sina föräldrar, människor som låsts in i hus som sedan stuckits i brand, hela byar som bränts ned och jämnats med marken och andra fruktansvärda våldsdåd. Över 40% av alla byar i norra Rakhine förstördes helt eller delvis under operationen enligt FN-utredningen. Inom loppet av några veckor flydde fler än 700 000 rohingyer över gränsen till Bangladesh för att undkomma militärens attacker.
Ännu har ingen ställts till svars för dessa övergrepp. Trots att omvärlden gång på gång lovat att rättvisa ska skipas. Över en miljon rohingyer lever fortfarande i läger i Bangladesh. De omkring 600 000 rohingyer som är kvar i Burma lever under mycket svåra förhållanden. Överbefälhavare Min Aung Hlaing som var högst ansvarig för den burmesiska militären och dess agerande vid tidpunkten för massakrerna 2017 har fortfarande inte ställts inför rätta för de övergrepp som begicks. I februari 2021 ledde han en statskupp som avsatte den folkvalda regeringen. Han leder nu den militärjunta som styr med våld och terror.
Omvärlden måste nu trappa upp ansträngningarna för att ställa de ansvariga till svars. Det skriver Svenska Burmakommittén tillsammans med 383 andra civilsamhällesorganisationer i ett gemensamt uttalande på årsdagen av militärens storskaliga offensiv.
Du hittar uttalandet som PDF här och i sin helhet nedan.
25 August 2022
Five years since genocide, the world must act to ensure justice for Rohingya
In marking the five-year commemoration of the genocide committed against the Rohingya in 2017, 384 civil society organizations reaffirm our commitment to continue to stand in solidarity with and seek justice for the Rohingya, to ensure the full restoration of their rights in Myanmar, and to end the impunity of the Myanmar military. The plight of the Rohingya must not be forgotten.
On this day five years ago, the Myanmar military launched a terror campaign in Rakhine State against the Rohingya and massacred, tortured, raped, and burned villages. They forced three quarters of a million people to flee to Bangladesh where they remain today alongside a quarter of a million Rohingya who fled earlier persecutions in Myanmar. Around one million Rohingya are struggling to survive in crowded refugee camps in Bangladesh, waiting to return to their home and their country in dignity with their full rights restored.
The return of Rohingya to Myanmar is substantially predicated on ending the impunity of the Myanmar military and accountability for the grave atrocity crimes the military has committed, including by prosecuting individuals who are most responsible. Yet, progress towards justice and accountability has remained minimal, made even more elusive by the military’s attempted coup on February 1, 2021.
As the military commits war crimes and crimes against humanity throughout the country, perpetrating similar crimes committed against the Rohingya in 2017 during its ‘clearance operations’, on 10 August 2022, the junta’s spokesperson for Rakhine State, U Hla Thein, told Radio Free Asia the junta is making plans to repatriate Rohingya refugees to Rakhine State – at the rate of 150 people per day starting in September 2022. This is a part of its ongoing desperate attempt to gain legitimacy from the international community. As recently expressed by the High Commissioner for Human Rights during her visit to Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, “conditions are not right for returns” and “Repatriation must always be conducted in a voluntary and dignified manner, only when safe and sustainable conditions exist in Myanmar.”
Rohingya in Myanmar continue to live under genocidal policies in apartheid-like conditions, systematically denied citizenship, with severe restrictions on fundamental freedoms including freedom of movement, access to health, education and other essential services. They are arbitrarily arrested, detained and treated as criminals for traveling outside of confined areas and further dehumanized for attempting to flee appalling conditions within Rakhine State. The over 130,000 Rohingya that remain in open air prison camps in Rakhine State face new restrictions on movement and aid blockages since the attempted coup. In effect, the genocidal acts of deliberately inflicting conditions of life that are calculated to bring about the Rohingya’s physical destruction, in whole or in part, are continuing to be perpetrated by the military junta, leading to their “slow death”.
Emboldened by the lack of international, concerted action to hold the military accountable, the world is bearing witness to the military’s atrocity crimes, amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity, that are now being perpetrated against the wider population in Myanmar as people bravely resist the junta’s ongoing violent attempt to seize power which has failed after 18 months. These crimes are all too familiar to the ethnic communities who have endured decades of atrocities by the Myanmar military.
Five years on, words have not turned into robust action as more statements of “grave concern” pile on to the condemnation of military’s atrocity crimes. Actions must speak louder.
We welcome the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the preliminary objections lodged by the military junta in the case of Rohingya genocide brought forward by The Gambia, which has paved the way for the court to adjudicate the merits of The Gambia’s case. With this ruling, governments must send a strong message to the Myanmar military that they will be held accountable for their crimes by supporting The Gambia’s case – including lending legal, financial and technical support. In addition, the UN Security Council, and the UK as the “penholder” on Myanmar, must convene a meeting on the progress of the implementation of the provisional measures.
Efforts to hold the Myanmar military criminally accountable must be expedited. This includes supporting universal jurisdiction cases to prosecute the military, in particular the universal jurisdiction case in Argentina. It is vital that the international community continue to explore other avenues for full justice and accountability, including a UN Security Council referral of the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court or to set up an ad-hoc tribunal.
We welcome the US government’s determination earlier this year that crimes committed against Rohingya amount to genocide. Five months have passed since this decisive step. The US must bolster accountability efforts by joining The Gambia case at the ICJ and impose further sanctions including sanctioning the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) – one of the junta’s main sources of foreign currency revenue.
The Myanmar military continues to enrich themselves through their businesses and are enabled by the web of arms brokers that supply them with weapons and equipment to carry out their atrocity crimes. There must be further efforts to impose targeted sanctions against their businesses, partners and cronies. Governments must impose arms embargo against the military, including on jet fuel to the military, while working towards a coordinated global arms embargo.
The ongoing crimes against the Rohingya underscore the importance of the National Unity Government (NUG), as the legitimate government of Myanmar, to translate the policy of the NUG into a concrete set of actions and implement the provisional measures ordered by the ICJ. These can include by fully and meaningfully engaging with the Rohingya to restore their equal rights, recognizing the Rohingya as an ethnic and indigenous group to Myanmar, and ensuring their representation in the ongoing political processes, including in the highest echelons of the NUG governing structures. The NUG, the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) and the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) must immediately amend the discriminatory 1982 Citizenship Law by removing all discriminatory articles and clauses as pledged in its policy paper, and repeal the racist and xenophobic four “Race and Religion Protection Laws” and the National Verification Process that has long been used as a tool for genocide. The people of Spring Revolution have shown their solidarity and empathy with the Rohingya community since its start. It is time that the NUG translate its policy and people’s solidarity into actions.
For more information, please contact:
- Tun Khin, Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK, tunkhin80@gmail.com
- Wai Wai Nu, Women’s Peace Network, waiwai.peace@gmail.com
- Thinzar Shunlei Yi, Sisters 2 Sisters, thinzarshunleiyi@protonmail.com
- Khin Ohmar, Progressive Voice, info@progressive-voice.org
Signed by 384 organizations, including 265 groups who have chosen not to disclose their names:
- 8888 Generation (New Zealand)
- Action Committee for Democracy Development
- Ah Nah Podcast – Conversation with Myanmar
- All Burma Democratic Face in New Zealand
- Ananda Data
- ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR)
- Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
- Asian Dignity Initiative
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
- Association Suisse-Birmanie (ASB)
- Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
- Auckland Kachin Community NZ
- Auckland Zomi Community
- Ayeyarwaddy Youth Network
- Bandugavlar Civil Call – BCC (Sagaing Region)
- Blooming Padauk
- Burma Action Ireland
- Burma Campaign UK
- Burma Civil War Museum (BCM)
- Burma Human Rights Network
- Burma Task Force
- Burman suomalaiset Finland
- Burmese Community Group (Manawatu, NZ)
- Burmese Muslim Association (BMA)
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
- Burmese Rohingya Welfare Organisation New Zealand
- Campaign for a New Myanmar
- Chin Community of Auckland
- Chin Human Rights Organization
- Chin Leaders of Tomorrow
- Chin MATA Working Group
- Chin Resources Center
- Christian Solidarity Worldwide
- CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
- CRPH & NUG Supporters Ireland
- CRPH Funding Ireland
- CRPH Support Group, Norway
- Democracy for Ethnic Minorities Organization
- Democracy for Myanmar – Working Group (NZ)
- Democracy, Peace And Women’s Organization
- Digital Right Collective
- Equality Myanmar
- European Karen Network (EKN)
- Federal Myanmar Benevolence Group (NZ)
- Freedom for Burma
- Future Thanlwin
- General Strike Committee of Nationalities (GSCN)
- Global Movement for Myanmar Democracy (GM4MD)
- Grass-root People
- Human Rights Educator Network
- Human Rights Foundation of Monland
- India For Myanmar
- Info Birmanie
- Initiatives for International Dialogue
- Institute for Asian Democracy
- International Campaign for the Rohingya
- Justice for All
- Justice For Myanmar
- Karen Human Rights Group
- Karen Swedish Community
- Karen Women’s Organization
- Karenni National Women’s Organization
- Karenni Society Finland
- Karenni Society New Zealand
- Keng Tung Youth
- Kyauktada Strike Committee (KSC)
- MATA (Sagaing Region)
- Metta Campaign Mandalay
- Myanmar Accountability Project
- Myanmar Action Group Denmark (MAGD)
- Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability – MATA
- Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS)
- Myanmar Diaspora Group Finland
- Myanmar Engineers – New Zealand
- Myanmar Gonye (New Zealand)
- Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
- Myanmar Students’ Union in New Zealand
- Never Again Coalition
- Netherlands – Myanmar Solidarity Platform
- Network for Advocacy Action
- New Rehmonnya Federated Force (NRFF)
- New Zealand Doctors for NUG
- New Zealand Karen Association
- New Zealand Zo Community Inc.
- No Business With Genocide
- Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica
- Overseas Mon Association, New Zealand
- Pa-O Women’s Union
- Progressive Voice
- Pyithu Gonye (New Zealand)
- Rvwang Community Association New Zealand
- Rohingya Action Ireland
- SaNaR (Save the Natural Resource)
- Save and Care Organization for Ethnic Women at Border Areas
- Save Myanmar Fundraising Group (New Zealand)
- Shan Community (New Zealand)
- Shan MATA
- Sisters 2 Sisters
- SOS MYANMAR (ရုန်းကန်သံအဖွဲ့)
- Southern Dragon (Myanmar)
- Southern Youth Development Organization
- Students for Free Burma (SFB)
- Swedish Burma Committee
- Synergy-Social Harmony Organization
- Ta’ang Women’s Organization
- Ta’ang Legal Aid
- Tanintharyi MATA
- The Free Burma Campaign (South Africa)
- The Sentry
- Thint Myat Lo Thu Myar Organization
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
- U.S. Advocacy Coalition for Myanmar (USACM)
- U.S. Campaign for Burma
- Women Advocacy Coalition Myanmar
- Women’s League of Burma
- Women’s Peace Network
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