765 civilsamhällesorganisationer kritiserar ASEAN:s beslut om att låta juntan besluta om hur nödhjälp ska distribueras i Burma. /Foto: Shahjehan/Shutterstock
Gemensamt uttalande om ASEAN: Beslut om humanitär hjälp till Burma måste involvera alla berörda parter
Gemensamt uttalande, Stockholm, 11 maj 2022
Svenska Burmakommittén och 764 andra civilsamhällesorganisationer oroas över att den sydostasiatiska samarbetsorganisationen ASEAN låter juntan besluta om hur nödhjälp ska distribueras i landet. I ett gemensamt uttalande kritiserar organisationerna beslutet och uppmanar ASEAN att föra samtal med alla berörda parter i Burma.
När ASEAN nyligen träffades för att diskutera humanitär hjälp till Burma var endast den burmesiska militärjuntans representant inbjuden. Varken den demokratiska skuggregeringen National Unity Government (NUG), väpnade organisationer (EAOs) som kontrollerar stora områden i Burma eller representanter från det burmesiska civilsamhället medverkade. FN:s generalsekreterares särskilda sändebud var heller inte med på mötet eftersom juntan inte ville att hon skulle närvara.
Att enbart föra samtal med en part är olyckligt i sig och att det dessutom är den part som är ansvarig för den humanitära katastrof landet befinner sig i och som fortsätter att begå grova övergrepp mot civilbefolkningen är helt fel väg att gå. Militärjuntan har vid upprepade tillfällen visat att den inte har för avsikt att få till stånd en effektiv och rättvis distribution av humanitär hjälp. Tvärtom har hjälpsändningar aktivt blockerats av juntan och hjälparbetare har attackerats. Kontroll över distributionen av nödhjälp har blivit ännu ett vapen för juntan att rikta mot sina motståndare.
På flera håll runt om i landet är lokala organisationer de enda som har möjlighet att leverera nödhjälp till de mest utsatta. Om ASEAN har som ambition att nå de mest utsatta i Burma måste alla berörda parter engageras för att koordinera insatserna.
Du hittar uttalandet som PDF här och i sin helhet nedan.
ASEAN: Decision on humanitarian assistance on Myanmar must include all related parties to avoid aid weaponization by the junta
11 May 2022
We, the 765 undersigned Myanmar, regional and international organizations, are gravely concerned by the outcome of the Consultative Meeting on ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar that puts the military junta in control of humanitarian aid distribution in Myanmar. Our organizations believe that this decision will enable the military junta to weaponize humanitarian aid to gain legitimacy and commit more human rights atrocities against the people of the country.
We urge ASEAN to redirect course in the informal meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers that is being held ahead of the ASEAN – US Special Summit and meet with the National Unity Government (NUG), Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs), and local civil society organisations to develop cross-border humanitarian assistance delivered by trusted local humanitarian and community based organisation.
We are dismayed that the meeting initiated and held by Cambodia as ASEAN Chair 2022 on 6 May 2022 only engaged with the Myanmar junta’s Task Force led by the State Administration Council (SAC). The meeting excluded the presence of the National Unity Government, formed by elected representatives of the 2020 elections, as well as civil society and EAOs. Under the pressure of the Myanmar junta, the regional bloc also disinvited the United Nations Special Envoy to Myanmar, H.E. Noeleen Heyzer, to the meeting, despite a false claim made by the Cambodian government indicating her presence was among the stakeholders that attended.
We are concerned that ASEAN, under the Cambodia Chairship, while opening its door to the military junta, has been continuously reluctant to engage with the NUG and other related parties, in direct contradiction to the Five-Point Consensus (5PC) agreed by the ASEAN which calls for inclusive dialogue. We previously condemned the visit made by Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia and the current ASEAN Envoy to Myanmar, undertaken without agreement from other ASEAN leaders, to meet with the junta leader but not with the NUG and detained President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the civil disobedience movement, and ethnic armed groups. Five months after Cambodia’s ‘rogue diplomacy’, ASEAN continues to be exclusionary.
We are alarmed by the regional bloc’s decision to allow the military junta-led Task Force to make decisions on how aid is delivered to Myanmar through the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre). Given junta’s ongoing attacks against aid workers and civilians, we are appalled that ASEAN continues to regard the military junta-led Task Force capable of delivering aid to all communities in Myanmar, including EAO areas. Junta’s promises are politically motivated promises that should not be trusted given the non-compliance record of the junta to the ASEAN 5PC after over a year since the agreement was made.
The decision of ASEAN to forge ahead with its plan to deliver humanitarian assistance with Myanmar military junta-led Task Force ignores the calls made by the people of Myanmar and civil society organisations worldwide that urge the international community to prioritise the provision of cross-border humanitarian aid through local civil society and humanitarian organisations without the junta’s intervention. We reiterate our position that no meaningful solution will be generated by ASEAN if the regional bloc keeps excluding all related parties, including namely the NUG, UN Special Envoy on Myanmar, and civil society. The decision will only bring regress and risks ASEAN aiding and abetting the military’s atrocities on the ground.
We noted that ASEAN Foreign Ministers are holding an informal meeting today on 11 May 2022, prior to the ASEAN – US Special Summit in Washington DC, to discuss the implementation of ASEAN 5PC. We urge the ASEAN and its leaders to:
- Immediately review and reconsider the decision made in the Consultative Meeting on ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar
- Immediately and effectively suspend the military junta and its representatives from any strategic meeting of ASEAN for its non-compliance to the 5PC, particularly pertaining to provision of humanitarian aid
- Conduct dialogue with the NUG and EAOs, and local civil society organisations to develop cross-border humanitarian assistance delivered by trusted local humanitarian and community based organisation
- Conduct dialogue with the UN Special Envoy to synergise efforts to address human rights and humanitarian crisis in Myanmar
- Review and amend the role and appointment mechanism of the ASEAN Special Envoy so that the mandate can assure its representation for ASEAN and effective coordination with all stakeholders in support of the will of the people of Myanmar.
Lastly, we specifically call on the ASEAN founding members, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore to move beyond the 5PC as it has failed to bring progress. The leaders must prove their commitment to uphold the will of the people of Myanmar to achieve peace and democracy, and to hold the military junta accountable for grave human rights violations.
For more information, please contact: Khin Ohmar, Progressive Voice, info@progressive-voice.org
List of Signatories
List of signatories below include the following 451 organisations and 314 Myanmar organisations that have chosen not to disclose their names.
- 8888 Generation (New Zealand)
- 8888 New Generation (Mohnyin)
- Aa Linn Eain Literary Force (Japan)
- Academy Zenith (Education)
- Action Against Myanmar Military Coup (Sydney)
- Active Youths (Kalay Myo)
- Ah Nah Podcast – Conversation with Myanmar
- All Arakan Students’ and Youths’ Congress (AASYC)
- All Burma Democratic Face in New Zealand
- All Burma Student Democratic Front – Australia Branch
- All Religions Strike Column
- All Sagaing Township Basic Education Students’ Union
- All Schools of Aungmyaythazan Township Strike Group
- All Young Burmese League (AYBL)
- Alternative Solutions for Rural Communities (ASORCOM)
- Anti-coup Forces Coordination Committee (AFCC)
- Anti-Dictatorship in Burma – DC Metropolitan Area (ADB-DCMA)
- Anti-Myanmar Dictatorship Movement
- Anti-Myanmar Military Dictatorship Network (AMMDN)
- ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights
- Asia Democracy Network
- Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR)
- Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
- Asian Dignity Initiative
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Asian Resource Foundation
- Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
- Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters (HRDP)
- Association of United Nationalities in Japan (AUN-Japan)
- Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
- Auckland Kachin Community NZ
- Auckland Zomi Community
- Aung Myay Tharzan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Aung Pin Lal Main Strike Group
- Australia Burma Friendship Association, Northern Territory
- Australia Karen Organisation
- Australia Karen Organization WA Inc.
- Australia Myanmar Doctors, Nurses and Friends
- Australia Myanmar Youth Alliance (AMYA)
- Australian Burmese Muslim Organisation
- Australian Chin Community (Eastern Melbourne Inc)
- Australian Karen Organisation (AKO)
- Back Pack Health Workers Team
- Bago Basic Education Students’ Union
- Bamar Community Tasmania
- Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM)
- Bank Trade Unions Federation of Myanmar – BTUFM
- BEHS-1, Hpa-An Basic Education Students’ Union
- BEHS-1, Mandalay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- BEHS-11, Aungmyethazan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- BEHS-24, Mahaaungmyay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- BEHS-4, Mandalay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- BEHS-8, Aungmyethazan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Best Friends Forever Group
- Blood Money Campaign
- Burma Action Ireland
- Burma Campaign UK
- Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN)
- Burma Lawyers’ Council (BLC)
- Burma Medical Association
- Burman Suomalaiset (Finland)
- Burmese Canadian Network
- Burmese Community Development Collaboration (BCDC)
- Burmese Community in France
- Burmese Community Support Group (BCSG)
- Burmese Community, Australia
- Burmese Friendship Association
- Burmese Medical Association Australia (BMAA)
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
- Burmese Rohingya Welfare Organisation New Zealand
- Burmese Women’s Union
- Campaign for a New Myanmar
- Canberra Karen Association
- CDM Support Team Mandalay
- Centre for Human Rights and Development, Mongolia
- Chanayetharsan Basic Education Students’ Union
- Chanmyathazi Township People Strike Group
- Chin Community of Auckland
- Chin Community of Western Australia Inc.
- Chin Community SA
- Chin Community Tasmania
- Chin Human Rights Organization
- Chin MATA Working Group
- Chin Resources Center
- Chin Youth Organization (Matupi)
- Chin Youth Organization, Australia
- Citizens of Burma Award (New Zealand)
- CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participations
- Co-operative University Student Strike Group
- Coalition of Mandalay Engineers
- Colorful Spring
- Combat Support Corps-Japan (CSC-Japan)
- Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS)
- Committee Representing Mandalay Region Hluttaw
- Cooperative University Student Strike Column
- CRPH & NUG Supporters Ireland
- CRPH Funding Ireland
- CRPH Support Group, Norway
- CRPH, NUG Support Team Germany-Deutschland
- CRPH/NUG Support Group Australia
- Daik-U Basic Education Students’ Union
- Daung Sit Thi
- Dawei Basic Education Students’ Union
- Dawei Youth’s in Japan (DYJ)
- Dawei Youths’ Revolutionary Movement Strike Committee
- Defense of Human Rights & Public Service, Pakistan
- Democracy for Burma
- Democracy for Myanmar – Working Group (NZ)
- Democracy Movement Strike Committee – Dawei
- Democracy, Peace and Women’s Organization
- Democratic Youth Council
- Demoso Basic Education Students’ Union
- Dragon Dawn (Charity Organization)
- Education Family Strike Group
- Educational Initiatives Myanmar
- Equality Myanmar
- Ethnic Youth General Strike Committee (Mandalay)
- European Karen Network
- Falam Community, Australia
- Family Private School Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Federal FM Mandalay
- Federal Myanmar Benevolence Group (NZ)
- Federation of General Workers Myanmar
- Federation of Workers’ Union of Burmese Citizens (in Japan)
- Federation of Workers’ Union of the Burmese Citizens (Japan)
- Free Burma Action Committee – Chico
- Free Burma Action Committee (Central Valley)
- Free Burma Action Committee (Sacremento)
- Free Burma Action Committee (San Francisco & Bay Area)
- Free Rohingya Coalition
- Freedom for Burma
- Future Light Center
- Future Thanlwin
- General Strike Committee of Nationalities
- Generation Wave
- GenY For Revolution – Japan (GenY)
- Global Action For Myanmar Peace and Federal Democracy
- Global Movement for Myanmar Democracy (GM4MD)
- Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (Japan)
- Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (Korea)
- Golden Heart Organization
- Grass-root People
- Helping Hands for Burma (H2B)
- HER (Art, Recycling Center)
- Hinthada Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Hlaing Thar Yar Basic Education Students’ Union
- Hope For Youth – Kyushu Japan
- Hopin Basic Education Students’ Union
- Human Rights Foundation of Monland
- India For Myanmar
- Indonesian Legal Aid Foundations (YLBHI)
- Industrial Training Centre (ITC) Family Sydney
- Info Birmanie
- Initiatives for International Dialogue
- Inter-Faith Strike Column
- Interfaith Youth Coalition on Aids in Myanmar (IYCA-Myanmar)
- Interim Teachers’ Union -Thanlyin Technological University
- International Campaign for the Rohingya
- International Karen Organisation
- International Society of Myanmar Scholars and Professionals (ISMSP-MM)
- Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association (JMFCA)
- Joint Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (JACDB)
- Justice 4 Myanmar – Hope & Development
- Justice For Myanmar
- Justice Movement for Community-Innlay
- Kachin Affairs Organizintion – Japan (KAO Japan)
- Kachin Association Australia
- Kachin Association of Australia WA Inc.
- Kachin Human Rights Watch
- Kachin Women’s Association Thailand
- Kanbung Youth (Matupi)
- Kanpetlet Land Development Organization
- Karen Community in Netherlands (KCNL)
- Karen Community, Australia
- Karen Environmental and Social Action Network
- Karen Human Rights Group
- Karen National League Japan-KNL
- Karen Peace Support Network
- Karen Swedish Community (KSC)
- Karen Women’s Organization
- Karenni Federation of Australia
- Karenni Human Rights Group
- Karenni National Society (KNS) Japan
- Karenni National Women’s Organization
- Karenni Society New Zealand
- Karenni/Kayah Community
- Katha Basic Education Students’ Union
- Kayan Internally Displacement Supervising Committee
- Kayan Rescue Committee
- Kayin Community Tasmania
- Keng Tung Youth
- Khanthar Farmers Network
- Khumzup Local Development Committee
- Kobe Myanmar Community
- Korean House of International Solidarity (KHIS), Korea
- Kyaukse Basic Education Students’ Union
- Kyaukse University Students’ Union
- Kyauktada Strike Committee (KSC)
- Labor Union Federation
- Labutta Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Land in Our Hand (LIOH)
- Langkho Basic Education Students’ Union
- Lashio Basic Education Students’ Union
- Latsinu Women Agency
- Launglon Basic Education Students’ Union
- League For Democracy in Burma (L.D.B Japan)
- Letpadan Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- LGBT Union Mandalay
- LGBTIQ Strike Group
- Loka Ahlinn
- Los Angeles Myanmar Movement
- Magway People’s Revolution Committee
- Mahaaungmyay Township People Strike Group
- Mandalar College Students Strike Group
- Mandalar University Students Union
- Mandalay Alliance Coalition Strike Group
- Mandalay Based University Student Unions
- Mandalay Civil Society Organization
- Mandalay Computer University Student Union
- Mandalay Engineers Group
- Mandalay People Strike Group
- Mandalay Poets’ Union
- Mandalay Private Universities Students Union
- Mandalay Regional Youth Association
- Mandalay Technology University (MTU) Students Union
- Mandalay Universities, Degree and College Teachers and Staffs Strike Group
- Mandalay University Alumni Strike Group
- Mandalay University of Foreign Languages Students Union
- Mandalay Wholesale Centers Strike Group
- Mandalay Women Strike
- Mandalay Youth Strike Group
- Matu Chin Community, Australia
- Matu Forum Committee
- Matu Women Association
- Mawkmai Basic Education Students’ Union
- Mawlamyine Basic Education Students’ Union
- Medical Family Mandalay (MFM)
- Meikhtila Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Metta Campaign – Mandalay
- Midwifery Training School Students Union (Mandalay)
- MIIT Student Strike Column
- MilkTeaAlliance Calendar Team
- MilkTeaAlliance Galleries
- MilkTeaAlliance Malaysia
- Minbu Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Mindat Chin Community
- Mindat Community, Australia
- Mindat Emergency Response Team (MERT)
- Minority Affairs Institute – MAI (Myanmar)
- Mizo Community, Australia
- Mogaung Basic Education Students’ Union
- Mohnyin Basic Education Students’ Union
- Mon Families Group
- Mon National Council
- Mon Youth For Federal Democracy
- Monywa Basic Education Students’ Union – ABFSU
- Monywa People Strike Steering Committee
- MRJ (Maraja)
- Mudon Basic Education Students’ Union
- Muslim Youth Network
- Muslim Youths Association
- Mya Taung Strike Group
- Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability
- Myanmar Buddhist Community of South Australia
- Myanmar CDM Association
- Myanmar Community Coffs Harbour (MCC)
- Myanmar Community Ireland
- Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS)
- Myanmar Democracy and Peace Committee (Australia)
- Myanmar Democratic Force in Denmark
- Myanmar Democratic Movement (MDM)
- Myanmar Development Support Group (MDSG)
- Myanmar Diaspora Group (Finland)
- Myanmar Emergency Fund (Canada)
- Myanmar Engineering Association of Australia (MEAA)
- Myanmar Engineers – New Zealand
- Myanmar Global Support Foundation
- Myanmar Gonye (New Zealand)
- Myanmar Institute of Information and Technology (Mandalay) Students Union
- Myanmar Labour News
- Myanmar Medical Online Campus
- Myanmar Nationalities’ Support Organization – Japan (MNSO)
- Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
- Myanmar People Residing in Canberra
- Myanmar Professionals Association Australia (MPAA)
- Myanmar Railway Division (3) CDM Staffs Strike Group
- Myanmar Student Association Ontario (MSAO)
- Myanmar Students’ Association Australia (MSAA)
- Myanmar Students’ Union in New Zealand
- Myanmar Youth and Student Association, Japan-MYSA
- National University of Arts and Culture
- National Youth League for Politics and Leadership
- National Youth Organization
- Netherlands Myanmar Solidarity Platform
- Network for Advocacy Action
- Network for Human Rights Documentation Burma (ND-Burma)
- New Rehmonnya Federated Force
- New Zealand Doctors for NUG
- New Zealand Karen Association
- New Zealand Myanmar Ethnics Council
- New Zealand Zo Community Inc.
- No (12) Basic Education Middle School Student Union
- No (7) Basic Education High School Alumni Strike Group
- 12 Basic Education Middle School (High Branch) Basic Education Students’ Union
- Northern Spectrum Youth Association
- Nursing Training School Students Union (Mandalay)
- Nursing University (Mandalay) Student Union
- Nyaunglebin Basic Education Students’ Union
- Okinawa Myanmar Association
- Olive Organization
- Open Development Foundation
- Overseas Mon Association – New Zealand
- Padaung Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Pan Pa Wash People Strike Column
- Paramedical Technical University (Mandalay) Student Union
- Patriotic War Veterans of Burma (PWVB)
- PEC Private School Basic Education Students’ Union
- People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), Korea
- People’s Hope Spring Revolution (PHSR)
- Perth Myanmar Youth Network
- Phayagye Peace Strike Column
- Phayagyi Peace Strike Group
- Private pre school Teachers’ Association
- Progressive Voice
- Pyay Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Pyigyidagon Strike Group
- Pyin Nyar Nan Daw Private School Basic Education Students’ Union
- Pyin Oo Lwin Basic Education Students’ Union
- Pyinmana Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Pyithu Gonye (New Zealand)
- Queensland Kachin Community (QKC)
- Queensland Myanmar Youth Collective (QMYC)
- Queensland Rohingya Community
- Red Campaign Nirvana Exhortation Group
- Remonya Association of WA (Mon Community)
- Representing The Arrested People Strike
- Revolution Tokyo Myanmar (R.T.M)
- Rohingya Action Ireland
- Rohingya Women Webinar Series
- Rvwang Community Association New Zealand
- Saga Myanmar Overseas Student Association
- Saitama Pamphlet Campaign (SPC)
- Sangha Union Strike Group
- Save and Care Organization for Ethnic Women on the Border Areas
- Save Myanmar – USA
- Save Myanmar Fundraising Group (New Zealand)
- SEA Junction
- Sein Pan Strike Column
- Seinban Strike Group
- Seven Star
- Shan Community (New Zealand)
- Shan Community in Japan (SCJ)
- Shan MATA
- Shan Women Development Network
- ShizuYouth for Myanmar
- Shwe Chin Thae Farmers Network
- Shwe Minn Tha Foundation (Myanmar)
- Shwe Youth Democratic Alliance (SYDA)
- Sintgaing Basic Education Students’ Union
- Sisters 2 Sisters
- Sitt Nyein Pann Foundation
- Skills for Humanity
- Southcare Medical Centre
- Southeast Asia Freedom of Expressions Network (SAFENET)
- Southern Youth Development Organization
- Southerner News Agency
- Spring Revolution Interfaith Network (SRIN)
- Spring Revolution Myanmar Muslim Network (SRMMN)
- Spring University Myanmar (SUM)
- Strike Column of Representatives of Arbitrarily Arrested People
- Students and Youth Congress of Burma (SYCB)
- Students for Free Burma (SFB)
- Support for Myanmar
- Support Group for Democracy in Myanmar (The Netherlands)
- Swedish Burma Committee
- Sydney Friends for Myanmar Unity
- Ta’ang Legal Aid
- Ta’ang Women’s Organization
- Taekwando Sport Association
- Taekwondo Federation
- Tai Youths Network Japan (TYNJ)
- Taiwan Alliance for Myanmar (TAM)
- Tampawadi People Strike Group
- Tanintharyi MATA
- Tanintharyi People’s Voice
- Taunggyi Basic Education Students’ Union
- Technological Teachers’ Federation (TTF)
- Technological University (Yadanabon Cyber City) Students Union
- Technological University Mandalay (TUM) Students Union
- Tha Pyay Nyo Periodical
- Thapaynyo News Letter
- Thaton Basic Education Students’ Union
- The Institution of Professional Engineers Myanmar
- Thint Myat Lo Thu Myar Organization
- Twitter Team for Revolution
- S. Campaign for Burma
- Uakthon Local Social Development Organization
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- United Myanmar Community of South Australia
- University of Computer (Mandalay) Students Union
- University of Dental Medicine (Mandalay) Students Union
- University of Medical Technology (Mandalay) Students Union
- University of Medicine (Mandalay) Students Union
- University of Nursing (Mandalay) Students Union
- University of Pharmacy (Mandalay) Students Union
- University of Traditional Medicine (Mandalay) Students Union
- University Youth Prayer Committee (YUPC)
- US Advocacy Coalition for Myanmar (USACM)
- VEC Private School Basic Education Students’ Union
- Victorian Burmese Care Community (VBCC)
- Victorian Myanmar Youth
- Vietnamese Women for Human Rights
- Voice For Justice (VFJ)
- We Love Motherland-MM (Malaysia)
- We Pledge CDM (Australia)
- We Support (Japan)
- Western Australia Myanmar Democratic Network
- Wetlet Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Winemaw Civil Society Network
- Women Activists Myanmar
- Women Advocacy Coalition Myanmar (WAC-M)
- Women Alliance Burma
- Women’s League of Burma
- Wundwin Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Yadanabon University Students Union
- Yadanapone University Student Union (Ya. Ta. Ka. Tha)
- Yadanar Foundation
- Yangon Medical Network
- Yedashe Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Yokohama Pamphlet Campaign (YPC)
- Young Changemakers Community
- Youth Poets’ Union
- YUOE Debate Club
- Zabuthiri Basic Education Students’ Union-ABFSU
- Zo Community, Australia
- Zomi Association Australia Inc.
- Zomi Community Queensland
- Zomi Community South Australia
- ခိုင်မြဲသစ္စာဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေး ကော်မတီ
- ပြည်သူ့ရင်သွေးနွေဦးတော်လှန်ရေး
- ပြည်သူရင်သွေးနွေဦးတော်လှန်ရေး(ဂျပန်)
- မြင်းခြံလူထုလှုပ်ရှားမှုကော်မတီ
- မြန်မာ့ ဖက်ဒရယ်ဒီမိုကရေစီ အောင်နိုင်ရေးအဖွဲ့ပေါင်းချုပ် – ကိုရီးယား
- မြန်မာ့ ဖက်ဒရယ်ဒီမိုကရေစီအောင်နိုင်ရေးအဖွဲ့ပေါင်းချုပ် (MFDMC)
- ရေအေးမိတ်ဖက် ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးကော်မတီ
- အနာဂါတ်အလင်း ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးကော်မတီ
- အလင်းရောင်ပန်းတိုင် ဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးကော်မတီ
- အလင်းသစ္စာဖွံ့ဖြိုးရေးကော်မတီ
- အလင်းသစ်ပရဟိတ
- အားမာန်သစ် ဖွံ့ဖြိုးကော်မတီ