FN:s säkerhetsråd måste agera för att stoppa den burmesiska militärens övergrepp. Det skriver Svenska Burmakommittén i ett öppet brev tillsammans med 520 andra organisationer. /Foto: Lev Radin/Shutterstock
Öppet brev: FN:s säkerhetsråd måste agera mot militärens övergrepp
Öppet brev, Stockholm, 5 november 2021
FN:s säkerhetsråd bör omedelbart kalla till ett möte om den förödande utvecklingen i delstaten Chin, där militären begår grova övergrepp i sina försök att slå ned motståndsgrupper. Det skriver Svenska Burmakommittén tillsammans med 520 andra organisationer i ett öppet brev till FN:s säkerhetsråd.
FN:s säkerhetsråd har misslyckats med att tackla krisen i Burma. De uttalanden man har lyckats producera är inte tillräckliga; det krävs konkreta åtgärder för att situationen ska förbättras. Säkerhetsrådet bör anta en resolution som konsoliderar det internationella åtgärderna mot militären och införa ett globalt vapenembargo som hindrar inflödet av vapen till Burma. Säkerhetsrådet bör även hänskjuta situationen i Burma till den Internationella brottmålsdomstolen.
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Uppdatering 8 november 2021: Säkerhetsrådet håller ett extrainsatt möte om Burma den 8 november. Läs mer här.
Uppdatering 11 november 2021: Den 10 november skickade Säkerhetsrådet ut ett pressmeddelande från mötet den 8 november. Inga konkreta åtgärder vidtogs. Du hittar det här.
4 November 2021
Another Wave of Atrocity Crimes in Chin State: UN Security Council Must Act Now to End Myanmar Junta’s Campaign of Terror
We, the undersigned 521 Myanmar, regional and international civil society organizations, call on the UN Security Council to urgently convene a meeting on the escalating attacks in Chin State, and address the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian, human rights and political crisis in Myanmar. We call for the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution to consolidate international action to stop the military’s violent assault against the people of Myanmar. The UN Security Council must also impose a global arms embargo to stop the flow of weapons and dual-use goods to the Myanmar military junta.
It has been nine months since the attempted coup by the brutal Myanmar military. 1,236 people have been killed and 9,667 arbitrarily detained as of 3 November, 2021. The junta has continued its violent assault throughout Myanmar, recently deployed troops and increased its attacks against civilians in Chin State, Sagaing and Magwe Regions in north-western Myanmar, while continuing its attacks in Karenni, Karen and Shan States.
On Friday 29 October, the Myanmar military began shelling the town of Thantlang in Western Chin State, setting as many as 200 houses and at least two churches on fire. Soldiers also deliberately torched houses at random.
Save the Children – whose office in Thantlang was set on fire alongside local civil society organizations including Chin Human Rights Organization – strongly condemned the recent attacks stating “the incident is further evidence of a deepening crisis in Myanmar” as the violence continues to affect large numbers of children across the country. Such indiscriminate attacks against civilians and humanitarian organizations are violations of international law and constitute war crimes.
Following the 1 February attempted coup, Chin State has been at the forefront of some of the strongest resistance to the Myanmar military junta. This has been met with fierce attacks by the military, including use of fighter jets and heavy artillery used against civilians while hundreds have been arbitrarily detained, and dozens killed. Prior to this most recent attack, approximately 10,000 residents had already fled Thantlang as the military junta indiscriminately shot into homes and set off fires by shelling in September. At the time, a Christian pastor who was attempting to put out the fires was shot dead, and his ring finger cruelly cut off and removed, along with his wedding ring. Those displaced have taken shelter in nearby villages and others have sought refuge in India. Many of those who have been displaced have been unable to access humanitarian aid as the junta weaponizes aid for their own political benefit, often blocking access or destroying it in an effort to weaken the resistance.
In early October, amid increasing deployment of heavy weapons and troops by the military junta, the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged “the international community to speak with one voice, to prevent the commission of further serious human rights violations against the people of Myanmar.” The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights also warned of greater human rights catastrophe and further mass atrocity crimes amid the deployment of tens of thousands of troops stating, “These tactics are ominously reminiscent of those employed by the military before its genocidal attacks against the Rohingya in Rakhine State in 2016 and 2017.” Echoing these concerns, 29 Rohingya organizations have urged the Council not to repeat the mistakes it made in 2017 by failing to act on warnings of an impending military offensive against the Rohingya.
Since the start of the attempted coup nine months ago, hundreds of Myanmar and international society organizations have repeatedly and vehemently called for the UN Security Council to act. This includes a statement from 92 Chin civil society organizations and Burma Campaign UK, who have called on the UK as the “penholder” of Myanmar at the UN Security Council to urgently act. The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar have also called for the UN Security Council to “issue a resolution to consolidate international action towards resolving the crisis.”
Yet, the Security Council has failed to take any effective actions beyond statements. As the offensives escalate in Chin State, the UN Security Council must act before it is too late. It must convene an urgent meeting on the escalating attacks in Chin State and the overall deepening political, human rights and humanitarian crisis as a result of the Myanmar military leaders search for power and greed that has caused immense suffering. The human security risk not only threatens the people of Myanmar but also regional and thus global security and peace. The Council must immediately build on previous statements with concrete action by adopting a resolution that consolidates international action to resolve the deepening crisis, a global arms embargo to stop the flow of weapons, including dual-use goods, and refer the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court. The Council must demonstrate that it will take concrete actions to stop the junta from committing further atrocity crimes and posing further risk to human security of the people of Myanmar.
The UN must not continue to fail the people of Myanmar.
For more information, please contact:
- Khin Ohmar, Progressive Voice, info@progressive-voice.org
- Salai Za Uk, Chin Human Rights Organization, info@chinhumanrights.org
- Tun Khin, Burmese Rohingya Organization UK, tunkhin80@gmail.com
Signed by 521 Myanmar, regional and international civil society organizations* including:
- 8888 Generation (New Zealand)
- Action Committee for Democracy Development
- African Great Lakes Action Network
- All Burma Democratic Face in New Zealand
- All Burma IT Student Union
- Alternative Solutions for Rural Communities (ASORCOM)
- America Rohingya Justice Network
- American Baptist Churches USA
- American Rohingya Advocacy
- Ananda Data
- Anti-Dictatorship in Burma – DC Metropolitan Area
- Arakan CSO Network
- Arakan Institute for Peace and Development
- Arakan Rohingya Development Association – Australia
- Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO)
- Arakan Rohingya Union
- Arizona Kachin Community
- ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR)
- Asho University Students Association (AUSA)
- Asho Youth Organization
- Asian Dignity Initiative
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Asian Resource Foundation
- Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition
- Assistance Association for Political Prisoners
- Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
- Association of Women for Awareness & Motivation (AWAM)
- Athan – Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
- Auckland Kachin Community Inc.
- Auckland Zomi Community
- Australian Burmese Rohingya Organisation
- Backpack Health Workers Team
- Balaod Mindanaw
- Bangkok Chin University Student Fellowship
- Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM)
- Baptist World Alliance
- Blood Money Campaign
- British Rohingya Community in UK
- Buddhist Solidarity for Reform
- Burma Action Ireland
- Burma Campaign UK
- Burma Human Rights Network
- Burma Medical Association
- Burma Task Force
- Burmese American Millennials
- Burmese Community Support Group (Australia)
- Burmese Democratic Forces
- Burmese Rohingya Association in Queensland-Australia (BRAQA)
- Burmese Rohingya Association Japan (BRAJ)
- Burmese Rohingya Association of North America
- Burmese Rohingya Community Australia (BRCA)
- Burmese Rohingya Community in Denmark
- Burmese Rohingya Community of Georgia
- Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
- Burmese Rohingya Welfare Organisation New Zealand
- Burmese Student Association at UCSB
- Burmese Women’s Union
- California Kachin Community
- Calvary Burmese Church
- Campaign for a New Myanmar
- Canadian Burmese Rohingya Organisation
- Canadian Rohingya Development Initiative
- Cantors’ Assembly
- CAU Buddhist
- CDM Supporter Team (Hakha)
- Central Chin Youth Organization (CCYO)
- Centre for Human Rights and Development, Mongolia
- Cherry Foundation (Yangon), Burma/Myanmar
- Chin Baptist Association, North America
- Chin Baptist Churches USA
- Chin Civil Society Network (CCSN)
- Chin Community of Auckland
- Chin Community of USA-DC Area
- Chin Education Initiative (CEI)
- Chin Human Rights Organization
- Chin Humanitarian Assistance Team Rakhine State (CHAT)
- Chin Leaders of Tomorrow (CLT)
- Chin Literature and Culture Committee (Universities of Yangon)
- Chin Student Union – Kalay
- Chin Student Union – Pakokku
- Chin Student Union – Sittwe
- Chin Student Union of Myanmar
- Chin University Student Fellowship – Paletwa
- Chin University Students in Rakhine State (CUSRS)
- Chin Women Organization (CWO)
- Chin Women’s Development Organization (CWDO)
- CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
- Coalition for Democracy
- Community Resource Centre (CRC)
- Dallas Kachin Community
- Darfur and Beyond, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- DEEKU-Karenni Community of Amarillo, TX
- Democracy for Ethnic Minorities Organization
- Democracy for Myanmar – Working Group (NZ)
- Democracy, Peace and Women’s Organization – DPW
- Equality Myanmar
- European Rohingya Council (ERC)
- Falam Phunsang Tlawngta Pawlkom
- Federal Myanmar Benevolence Group (NZ)
- Fidi Foundation (Hakha)
- Florida Kachin Community
- Free Burma Action Bay/USA/Global
- Free Myanmar Campaign USA/BACI
- Free Rohingya Coalition (FRC)
- Freedom for Burma
- Freedom, Justice, Equality for Myanmar
- Future Light Center
- Future Thanlwin
- Gender and Development Institute – Myanmar
- Gender Equality Myanmar
- Generation Wave
- Georgia Kachin Community
- Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
- Global Justice Center
- Global Movement for Myanmar Democracy
- Global Myanmar Spring Revolution
- Global Witness
- Globe International Center
- Grassroots Movement for Burma
- Green Party Korea International Committee
- Hakha Campaign for Justice
- Hakha University Student Organization (HUSO)
- Houston Kachin Community
- Human Rights Alert
- Human Rights Development for Myanmar
- Human Rights Foundation of Monland
- Human Rights Watch
- Imparsial
- Incorporated Organization Shilcheon Bulgyo
- Infinite Burma
- Initiatives for International Dialogue
- Institute for Asian Democracy
- Inter Pares
- International Campaign for the Rohingya
- International Karen Organisation
- Iowa Kachin Community
- Ipas
- Jewish World Watch
- Jogye Order Chapter of Korea Democracy Union
- Justice For Myanmar
- Kachin Alliance
- Kachin American Community (Portland – Vancouver)
- Kachin Community of Indiana
- Kachin Community of USA
- Kachin National Organization USA
- Kachin Peace Network (KPN)
- Kachin State Women Network
- Kachin Women’s Association Thailand
- Kanpetlet University Student Organization
- Kansas Karenni Community, KS
- Karen American Association of Milwaukee, WI
- Karen Association of Huron, SD
- Karen Community of Akron, OH
- Karen Community of Iowa, IA
- Karen Community of Kansas City, KS & MO
- Karen Community of Minnesota, MN
- Karen Community of North Carolina, NC
- Karen Environmental and Social Action Network
- Karen Human Rights Group
- Karen Organization of America
- Karen Organization of Illinois, IL
- Karen Organization of San Diego
- Karen Peace Support Network
- Karen Rivers Watch
- Karen Women’s Organization
- Karen Youth Education Pathways
- Karenni Civil Society Network
- Karenni Community of Arizona, AZ
- Karenni Community of Arkensas, AK
- Karenni Community of Austin, TX
- Karenni Community of Bowling Green, KY
- Karenni Community of Buffalo, NY
- Karenni Community of Chicago, IL
- Karenni Community of Colorado, CO
- Karenni Community of Dallas, TX
- Karenni Community of Des Moines, IA
- Karenni Community of Florida, FL
- Karenni Community of Fort Worth, TX
- Karenni Community of Georgia, GA
- Karenni Community of Houston, TX
- Karenni Community of Idaho, ID
- Karenni Community of Indianapolis, IN
- Karenni Community of Massachusetts, MA
- Karenni Community of Michigan, MI
- Karenni Community of Minnesota, MN
- Karenni Community of Missouri, MO
- Karenni Community of North Carolina, NC
- Karenni Community of Portland, OR
- Karenni Community of Rockford, IL
- Karenni Community of San Antonio, TX
- Karenni Community of Sioux Falls, SD
- Karenni Community of Utah, UT
- Karenni Community of Utica, NY
- Karenni Community of Washington, WA
- Karenni Community of Wisconsin, WI
- Karenni Human Rights Group
- Karenni National Women’s Organization
- Karenni Society New Zealand
- Karenni Society of Omaha, NE
- Karenni-American Association
- Kaung Rwai Social Action Network
- Keng Tung Youth
- Kentucky Kachin Community
- Korean Ashram
- L’chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty
- Los Angeles Rohingya Association
- Louisiana Kachin Community
- Manyou Power People
- Maryland Kachin Community
- Matupi University Student Fellowship
- Metta Campaign Mandalay
- Metta-Vipassana Center
- Michigan Kachin Community
- MINBYUN – Lawyers for a Democratic Society International Solidarity Committee
- Mindat University Student Union
- Minnesota Kachin Community
- Mizo Student Fellowship
- Myanmar Advocacy Coalition
- Myanmar Cultural Research Society (MCRS)
- Myanmar Engineers – New Zealand
- Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organisation in Malaysia
- Myanmar Gonye (New Zealand)
- Myanmar Peace Bikers
- Myanmar People Alliance (Shan State)
- Myanmar Students’ Union in New Zealand
- Nationalities Alliance of Burma USA
- NeT Organization
- Network for Human Rights Documentation (ND-Burma)
- Never Again Coalition
- New Bodhisattva Network
- New York Kachin Community
- New Zealand Doctors for NUG
- New Zealand Karen Association
- New Zealand Zo Community Inc.
- Ninu (Women in Action Group)
- No Business With Genocide
- North Carolina Kachin Community
- Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica
- Olive Organization
- Omaha Kachin Community
- Overseas Mon Association. New Zealand
- Pa-O Women’s Union
- Pa-O Youth Organization
- Pennsylvania Kachin Community
- People’s Initiative for Development Alternatives
- People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD)
- Progressive Voice
- Pyithu Gonye (New Zealand)
- Rohingya Action Ireland
- Rohingya American Society
- Rohingya Arakanese Refugee Committee
- Rohingya Community in Netherlands
- Rohingya Community in Norway
- Rohingya Culture Centre Chicago
- Rohingya Human Rights Initiative
- Rohingya Human Rights Network (Canada)
- Rohingya Organisation Norway
- Rohingya Refugee Network
- Rohingya Society Malaysia
- Rohingya Women Development Network (RWDN)
- Rohingya Youth Development Forum (RYDF)
- Rvwang Community Association New Zealand
- Save and Care Organization for Ethnic Women at Border Areas
- Save Myanmar Fundraising Group (New Zealand)
- Save the Salween Network
- SEA Junction
- Shan Community (New Zealand)
- Shan MATA
- Sitt Nyein Pann Foundation
- Solidarity for Another World
- South Carolina Kachin Community
- Spring Revolution Interfaith Network
- Stepping Stone for Peace
- Students for Free Burma
- Support the Democracy Movement in Burma
- Swedish Burma Committee
- Swedish Rohingya Association
- Synergy – Social Harmony Organization
- Ta’ang Women’s Organization
- Tedim Youth Association (TYA)
- Tennessee Kachin Community
- Thantlang Revolutionary Campaigner
- Thantlang University Student Organization (TUSO)
- Thantlang Youth Association (TYA)
- The Center for Freedom of Information
- The Pastors Fellowship
- The Sound of Hope
- The Spring University Myanmar (SUM)
- Thint Myat Lo Thu Myar
- S. Campaign for Burma
- Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
- Union of Karenni State Youth
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
- Virginia Kachin Community
- Washington Kachin Community
- West Virginia Kachin Community
- Women Peace Network
- Women’s Advocacy Coalition – Myanmar
- Women’s League of Burma
- WOREC Nepal
- Yeollin Seonwon
- Zomi Federal Union (ZFU)
- Zomi Siamsim Kipawlna – Myanmar
- Zotung Student Society (ZSS – Myanmar)
*Note: 213 organizations’ names are not disclosed at their request due to security concerns.